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Gnostic Origins of Christianity

Please do take NOTE:  Whether these Facts Resonate with you or not depends on where you are at on the Path.  If you’re a Minister, it depends on whether you’re of the Order of Aaron or of the Order of Melchizedek.  Don’t know the difference?  You’re of Aaron.  mdw

Gnostic Origins

The Gnostic Origins of Christianity, featuring Tim Freke and Peter Gandy


Prof. Philip Harland discusses Marcionism, an Early Christian dualist belief system

Always remember: a “heretic” is just in the eye of the beholder. For centuries Marcion has been maligned as a “heretic”, since the Church Fathers like Tertullian accused him of such. Church Fathers accused Marcion in their anti-heresy writings also of cutting out certain parts of texts. Some Christians like to tell us that Marcion changed the Bible to suit his theology. However, I think before Marcion wrote his canon in AD 140 there was no documented history of Christianity as we know it.

The Rhetoric of Satan

Prof. Philip Harland discusses how the rhetoric of Satan was used in the construction of “heresies” in the era of the so-called Church Fathers.

The Early Christian movement was obviously a far richer world and much more diverse than generally imagined. There was also a lot of censorship. Certain leaders in the 2nd 3rd and 4th century were of the opinion that certain texts and ideas shouldn’t be shared. Ideas and concepts that were practised and followed by many people, nonetheless.

The notion that the Early Church was all One heart, One Soul, and that they all believed the same thing has been carefully fostered in the history of Christianity. Christians are supposed to think that. They are supposed to think that what you hear in Church on Sunday is exactly what Jesus taught. However, the true story appears to be a lot more complicated and diverse.

Different kinds of views that concern questions as to who is God, who was Jesus, what do his teachings mean, where did Jesus come from, what his life and his Death and Resurrection mean, and what the predicament of this world and humanity is